Why Stories Season 7 Explores the Asylum System, Press Freedom, Femicide and Nomadic Life

Rachel Sheary
June 28, 2023

Why Stories Season 7 will begin broadcasting on BBC World News this Saturday. The latest season focuses on themes like press freedom, femicide, the asylum system in Denmark and the disintegration of nomadic life.

According to Why Stories producer Mathilde Kirstein, this season is the most diverse yet In terms of topical and geographical spread. "It’s highly relevant and really showcases the world we live in," she says, 'I look much forward presenting it to our partners around the world."

Here's a short description of all ten films in the new season!

Follow You Home

Karhrine Ravn Kruse

After 9 years apart, two Afghan refugee brothers are reunited in Denmark. With the help of a clergy couple, Popal fights not to lose his younger brother once again.

Raising a School Shooter

Lasse Barkfors & Frida Barkfors

As the disaster of yet another school shooting hits, some parents are faced with a brutal fact: their child was the one pulling the trigger.

Latvian Coyote

Ivars Zviedris

A local resident on the border between Russia and the European Union smuggles illegal immigrants so he can earn a chance to stay in his homeland.


Jeff Kaufman

An immersive portrait of one of the world's most courageous human rights activists and political prisoners, Nasrin Sotoudeh, and Iran's remarkably resilient women's rights movement.

Life of Ivanna

Renato Borrayo Serrano

A single mother lives a nomadic life in the harsh Tundra with her five children. She makes the difficult decision to move to the city of Norilsk to give her family a chance at a better future.

Dying to Divorce

Chloe Fairweather

As femicides soar in Turkey, Ipek and a group of activists fight to protect Turkish women against abuse and murder by putting violent men behind bars.

We Hold the Line

Marc Wiese

In the Philippines, journalist Maria Ressa and her team of journalists at Rappler fight for democracy against President Duterte and his “war on drugs,” which has claimed tens of thousands of lives.

40 Steps

Gadi Aisen & Manor Birman

In Tel Aviv, gentrification, secularization, and the demand to expel refugees tear a community apart as non-Jewish refugee children are separated from orthodox children, forced to learn just 40 steps away.

Far Eastern Golgotha

Yulia Sergina

Taxi driver Viktor Toroptsev launches a YouTube channel about the extreme poverty and lack of human rights in his dying city in the Far East of Russia, causing societal and governmental repercussions.


Andrew Cohen & Gaylen Ross

A Chinese woman's fight for fellow AIDS patients who contracted AIDS in the 1990s when China encouraged millions of poor farmers to donate blood for money under catastrophic health conditions.

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