Who We Are

Mads Ellermann Holmbom

Executive board member

Mads Ellermann Holmbom

Executive board member

Rikke Rønholt Albertsen

Executive board member

Rikke Rønholt Albertsen

Executive board member

Sigal Yehuda founder and executive director of close-up editorial board the why foundation.

Sigal Yehuda

Editorial board member | Founder & Executive Director of Close-Up | ARABIC films

Sigal Yehuda

Editorial board member | Founder & Executive Director of Close-Up | ARABIC films

Randi Bach Poulsen chair person of the board the why foundation.

Randi Bach Poulsen

Chair Person of the Executive Board

Randi Bach Poulsen

Chair Person of the Executive Board

Nina Möger Bengtsson board member the why foundation.

Nina Möger Bengtsson

Executive Board member

Nina Möger Bengtsson

Executive Board member

Felicia Elisabeth Jackson festival director advisory board the why foundation.

Felicia Elisabeth Jackson

Advisory board member | Festival Director for THIS - Future Stories & Engagement

Felicia Elisabeth Jackson

Advisory board member | Festival Director for THIS - Future Stories & Engagement

François Zimeray board member the why foundation.

François Zimeray

Advisory board member

François Zimeray

Advisory board member

Mette Walsted Vestergaard board member the why foundation.

Mette Walsted Vestergaard

Executive board member

Mette Walsted Vestergaard

Executive board member

Geralyn White Dreyfous academy award winning producer editorial board the why foundation.

Geralyn White Dreyfous

Editorial board member | Academy Award winning producer | USA producer

Geralyn White Dreyfous

Editorial board member | Academy Award winning producer | USA producer

Chris Hastings executive producer and editorial manager world channel editorial board the why foundation.

Chris Hastings

Editorial board member | Executive Producer and Editorial Manager, World Channel | USA

Chris Hastings

Editorial board member | Executive Producer and Editorial Manager, World Channel | USA

Camilla Nielsson board member the why foundation.

Camilla Nielsson

Executive board member

Camilla Nielsson

Executive board member

Ruby Chen co-founder and ceo Cnes foundation advisory board the why foundation.

Ruby Chen

Advisory board member | Co-founder and CEO, Cnex Foundation | CHINA

Ruby Chen

Advisory board member | Co-founder and CEO, Cnex Foundation | CHINA

Wagner Moura actor filmmaker and producer editorial board the why foundation.

Wagner Moura

Editorial board member | Actor, filmmaker, producer | BRAZIL

Wagner Moura

Editorial board member | Actor, filmmaker, producer | BRAZIL

Lars Nørby Johansen business leader advisory board the why foundation.

Lars Nørby Johansen

Advisory board member | Business leader/expert in political science

Lars Nørby Johansen

Advisory board member | Business leader/expert in political science

Ally Derks co-founder of IDFA and documentary films curator editorial board the why foundation.

Ally Derks

Editorial board member | Co-founder of International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam (IDFA) and documentary films curator l GERMANY

Ally Derks

Editorial board member | Co-founder of International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam (IDFA) and documentary films curator l GERMANY

Klara Grunning-Harris board member the why foundation.

Klara Grunning-Harris

Editorial board member | Producer and Consultant

Klara Grunning-Harris

Editorial board member | Producer and Consultant

Nick Fraser senior executive, editorial board and founding member of the why foundation·

Nick Fraser

Advisory board member | Senior Executive & Founding Member | UK and World

Nick Fraser

Advisory board member | Senior Executive & Founding Member | UK and World

Mariza Matshaya producer and founder of queen of film editorial board the why foundation.

Mariza Matshaya

Editorial board member | Producer and Founder of Queen of Film | SOUTH AFRICA

Mariza Matshaya

Editorial board member | Producer and Founder of Queen of Film | SOUTH AFRICA

Mette Hoffmann Meyer CEO of the why foundation.

Mette Hoffmann Meyer

CEO / Executive Producer

Mette Hoffmann Meyer

CEO / Executive Producer

Alex Gibney film director and producer advisory board the why foundation.

Alex Gibney

Advisory board member | Film Director and Producer

Alex Gibney

Advisory board member | Film Director and Producer

Nagieb Khaja director and journalist advisory board the why foundation.

Nagieb Khaja

Advisory board member | Director and Journalist

Nagieb Khaja

Advisory board member | Director and Journalist

Olafur Eliasson

Advisory board member | Artist

Olafur Eliasson

Advisory board member | Artist

Jan Rofekamp president and ceo of films transit int. editorial board the why foundation.

Jan Rofekamp

Editorial board member | President & CEO of Films Transit International | CANADA

Jan Rofekamp

Editorial board member | President & CEO of Films Transit International | CANADA

Claire Aguilar curator of documentaries editorial board the why foundation.

Claire Aguilar

Editorial board member | Curator of Documentaries | USA and WORLD

Claire Aguilar

Editorial board member | Curator of Documentaries | USA and WORLD

Connie Hedegaard

Advisory board member | Former European Commissioner for Climate Action

Connie Hedegaard

Advisory board member | Former European Commissioner for Climate Action

Mette Hoffmann Meyer CEO of the why foundation.

Mette Hoffmann Meyer

CEO / Executive Producer

Mette Hoffmann Meyer

CEO / Executive Producer

Jan Laursen office manager the why foundation.

Jan Laursen

Office Manager

Jan Laursen

Office Manager

Niels van Deurs

ASK WHY? Docs Project Coordinator

Niels van Deurs

ASK WHY? Docs Project Coordinator

Jonatan Jerichow


Jonatan Jerichow


Mathilde Kirstein why stories producer the why foundation.

Mathilde Kirstein

WHY STORIES Producer & WHY FREEDOM Line Producer

Mathilde Kirstein

WHY STORIES Producer & WHY FREEDOM Line Producer

Stig Bilde why stories editor the why foundation.

Stig Bilde


Stig Bilde


Martin Lange video editor and media manager the why foundation.

Martin Lange

Video Editor and Media Manager

Martin Lange

Video Editor and Media Manager

Henrik Beha Pederson founder and ceo of plastic change expert the why foundation.

Henrik Beha Pederson

Founder & CEO; Plastic Change | WHY PLASTIC? Advisor

Henrik Beha Pederson

Founder & CEO; Plastic Change | WHY PLASTIC? Advisor

Kristian Syberg associate professor ruc marine plastic expert the why foundation.

Kristian Syberg

Associate Professor Roskilde University, MarinePlastic | WHY PLASTIC? Advisor

Kristian Syberg

Associate Professor Roskilde University, MarinePlastic | WHY PLASTIC? Advisor

Sine Plambech researcher anthropologist and film director expert the why foundation.

Sine Plambech

Researcher, Anthropologist and Film Director | WHY SLAVERY? Advisor

Sine Plambech

Researcher, Anthropologist and Film Director | WHY SLAVERY? Advisor

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