54 films uploaded on THE WHY Russian YouTube channel, while Kremlin threatens to shut down platform

THE WHY’s Russian YouTube channel, launched in March 2023, has successfully uploaded all 54 films initially selected for this platform, attracting approximately 660,000 total views. This achievement comes as the Kremlin intensifies efforts to limit access to foreign media and discourages citizens from using alternative online sources.
Artwork from the documentary 'Putin's Kiss'
Maia Galmés Feuer
September 26, 2024

THE WHY’s Russian YouTube channel, launched in March 2023, has successfully uploaded all 54 films initially selected for this platform, attracting approximately 660,000 total views. This achievement comes as the Kremlin intensifies efforts to limit access to foreign media and discourages citizens from using alternative online sources.

Despite these challenges, the channel has cultivated an audience, with popular films like Solar Mamas, Cuban Dreams, and Putin's Kiss. Of the 660,000 views, 54,000 are from Russia, while the rest come from 11 other Russian-speaking countries, like Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, and Georgia.

The Russian context

According to Mediascope, a Russian media market research company, over 50 million Russians use YouTube daily, making it the fourth-most-visited online platform in the country, after Google, Yandex (Russia’s own search engine), and WhatsApp. Its popularity and economic impact have prevented the government from banning it, unlike Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, which were blocked shortly after the invasion of Ukraine for sharing "false information" and facilitating protests against the Kremlin.

However, as of early August, users reported issues with videos not loading and high-resolution playback being unavailable in most desktop browsers in Russia. While some viewers have used VPNs to circumvent these issues, the disruptions have led many to abandon the platform, raising concerns about a potential ban.

Despite being the last major Western social media platform available in the country, YouTube now faces threats of a potential ban. This situation has heightened anxiety among internet freedom advocates and citizens who rely on the platform for information independent of the Kremlin.

The success of THE WHY’s Russian YouTube channel underscores the demand for access to independent and international media sources. As Russians navigate a landscape of restricted information, the complete upload of these films to THE WHY’s channel serves as a vital resource for ensuring fact-based information.

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